Wednesday 1 June 2011

Pictured: By the principle of eternal progression in which there is an endlessly creative unfoldment manifested successively in potential countless forms, 2010. By Tim Ivison and Julia Tcharfas

Rules of Engagement

26 Lower Clapton Rd
E5 0PD

Private View Friday 24th June 6pm-9pm
25th June – 24th July 2011

Julia Crabtree & William Evans
Timothy Ivison & Julia Tcharfas
Maria Theodoraki

In the spirit of the continued collaboration between Angus-Hughes Gallery and curators/collectives/projects/artists, the gesamtkunstwerk* project presents an exhibition which explores the nature of collaboration through three varying practices.  The two collaborative pairs will be exhibiting contrasting installations, whilst the third practice of Theodoraki explores different modes of working together—with places, objects and other people, artists, or curators.

Finally presented in this collaborative exhibition is the TOTAL ART BOX. This box, which has roots in the ‘Fluxbox’ ‘s from the Fluxus movement, contains the work of artists involved in the project. In a box which has been custom designed and constructed by Surya Buck, the contents of this first edition of 50 will be displayed in the gallery.

*The gesamtkunstwerk project brings together international artists, musicians, writers, photographers, filmmakers, and curators that will journey across the United States in 2012, putting on exhibitions, gigs, talks and events. From the west to east coast the project in itself will be a total artwork. The term gesamtkunstwerk has been appropriated here, using its literal translation total artwork, for the purpose of describing this group of artists and their actions. From 2010 a series of exhibitions, events, gigs and talks are being presented in the UK to raise the profile of the event and it’s purpose to promote international exchange across multiple disciplines.

Exhibition runs from 25th June – 24th July.
Gallery hours: Fri-Sun 12-6pm

Sunday 16 January 2011

installation view, JTP10

Oscar Carlson, Indian Village, 2010


 pictured: Benedict Drew, Majestic Mountain, 2010
Gesamtkunstwerk at JTP10

The Gesamtkunstwerk project brings together international artists, musicians, writers, photographers, filmmakers, and curators that will undertake a road trip across the United States in 2012 with the purpose of putting on exhibitions, gigs, talks and events. From the west to east coast the project in itself will be a total artwork. Although originally intended for the Wagnerian opera, the term gesamtkunstwerk has been appropriated here, using its literal translation total artwork, for the purpose of describing this group of artists and their actions. This becomes a total artwork by encompassing the many facets of the arts: music, writing, and the visual arts. For the exhibition at James Taylor, a diverse selection of artists from this associated group has been chosen to represent the project. This is the first in the series of specially curated exhibitions after a show earlier in the year which brought together every artist involved.

Presented at James Taylor for Gesamtkunstwerk is an installation from Benedict Drew, nine-channel video work from Tessa Power, sculpture from Oscar Carlson and wall based work by Corinne Mynatt. The multimedia exploration through film by way of a Paramount mountain, hypnotic video portraits, Indian villages, and aesthetic sublimes all create a variation of thought-provoking journeys. The sculptural works have been carefully considered and constructed to stimulate the visual imagination. A minimum of visual information is given so that the viewer can appreciate their own visions, and reflect on aesthetic value systems. In contrast, the work of Benedict Drew presents a plethora of narrative structures that create a semi-fictional history of the downfall and regeneration of film. The work transcends media through history and exists beyond the gallery setting by permeating into the internet via a 2D barcode which links the viewer to digital downloads. In Power’s work we can reflect on expectations of humanity, visual realms of the absolute and the sublime nature of things. By stripping away individual identity and examining the power of the mind we recognise humanity’s collective need to make sense of things. The works evoke one’s imagination and challenge ideas about the mysterious nature of beauty.

Also introduced in this exhibition are two other facets to the Gesamtkunstwerk project: the Total Art Box and the re-touched photo portraits of each participant. Photo re-toucher Tom Wandrag will be creating photographic portraits of each person involved. The resulting group of re-touched portraits will be exhibited in each destination in the United States in 2012. These portraits will be taken over two weekends in the Gesamtkunstwerk space at JTP10. The Total Art Box will contain editions from artists of the project and is available in an edition of 50. All proceeds go towards the Gesamtkunstwerk project.

Gesamtkunstwerk at JTP 10

JT Project 10

14 Oct 2010 - 07 Nov 2010

This year's project brings together nine diverse independent initiatives to take residence inside JTG's expansive Victorian factory. With different and experimental approaches the show will provide an insight into the varying practices and projects realized by these contemporary peer organisations, accumulating into a vast array of art now.
JT Project is an ongoing experimental survey of artist-led initiatives providing a platform for dialogue and new collaborations.
Individual projects will take a variety of forms including exhibitions, performances, talks, and publications.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

JTP 2010

Along with Oscar Carlson and Tessa Power, Benedict Drew (above) will be exhibiting with Gesamtkunstwerk as part of JTP10's satellite Frieze event this year.

Monday 23 August 2010

Debut Salon Show

The Hackney Rose, 458 Hackney Rd, E2 9EG
19th - 27th June 2010

The first exhibition of the Gesamtkunstwerk 2012 project brings together all the artists involved in this ‘total artwork’ which will manifest itself as an artist’s road trip across the United States in 2012.  This international troupe of artists, musicians, writers, filmmakers, etc. will be art, make art, and exhibit art and more from the West to the East coast in the summer of 2012. 

The practises showcased in the Debut Salon Show come from a range of media, though here they are represented as wall-based work, hung in the style of a Parisian Salon exhibition.  The style of hanging is not in accordance with the Salon’s values, but rather an acknowledgment of the method and aesthetic style of hanging large group exhibitions. This seems particularly appropriate for such a large group show, and as a historic parallel with the idea of the gesamtkunstwerk.

This first exhibit is intended as a launch for the forthcoming project, and an opportunity to view the work of all who are involved—though this group will be evolving and changing in the two year interim. In the two years before its manifestation, curated group exhibitions will happen under the umbrella of the gesamtkunstwerk project. This framework provides a starting point for further exhibitions, events, and enquiries into multi-disciplinary practise. The artists involved come from 12 different countries in total, and the majority of them work in the United Kingdom. When the final troupe embark on this monumental road trip, the different cultures will grant a transient yet lasting contribution to the contemporary landscape of the USA. During the road trip of travelling exhibitions, gigs, and performances in various institutions, the opportunities to engage in cross-cultural artistic debate will be vast. The international mix of cultural and artistic production will demonstrate the contrasts and similarities that exist between modes of production in the US, Europe, and beyond.  The Debut Salon Show is the only occasion where all participants are seen exhibiting together, until the Gesamtkunstwerk finally happens in 2012.

Aimee Neat - Alistair Wildblood - Angus Braithwaite - Beck Rainford - Neb Poulton - Benedict Drew - Beth Collar - Cai Nyahoe - Charlotte Young - Chooc Ly Tan - Corinne Mynatt - Ed Atkins - Elizabeth Gossling - Eugenia Ivanessevich - Fred Lindberg - Gabriel Stone - Gregory Sodergren - James Stringer - Joanna Ageborn Lindberg - Jonathan Batten - Jonathan Entwhistle - Julia Crabtree & Will Evans - Kate Ellis - Kay Watson - Laura McFarlane - Laura Wilson - Maria Theodoraki - Matt Carter - Matthew Giradeau - Michelle Fletcher - Myles Painter - Nathalie Levi - Neesha Champeneria - Nik Colk - Oscar Carlson- Revati Mann- Rudolph Reiber- Sarah Bayliss - Simon Ribchester - Surya Buck - Tessa Power - Tom Wondrag - Tom Clarke - A Human - Factory Floor - Gum Takes Tooth
Performances by Charlotte Young and Fredrik Lindberg

Debut Salon Show June 2010

First meeting for the Gesamtkunstwerk Project April 2010

Gesamtkunstwerk 2012 will be a 'total artwork' that takes the form of a road trip across the United States by a troupe of international artists, musicians, photographers, writers, filmmakers, art directors, photo-retouchers, and performers. In the two years before the event, a series of exhibitions, events, gigs and talks will be presented to raise the profile of the trip and it's purpose to promote international exchange across multiple disciplines.

The first meeting about the project took place in front of the Guernica tapestry at Whitechapel Gallery in April 2010 (public meetings in Gallery 2 were part of Goshka Macuga's Nature of the Beast exhibition). Potential artists/collaborators were asked to attend to get initial information about the show.